Agenda item

Sustainability and Transformation Plans Update Report: Northumberland, Tyne and Wear and North Durham and Durham, Darlington, Tees, Hambleton, Richmondshire and Whitby Draft Sustainability and Transformation Plan


The Board considered a joint report of the Director of Commissioning and Development, North Durham Clinical Commissioning Group and the Chief Clinical Officer, Durham Dales, Easington and Sedgefield Clinical Commissioning Group that gave an update on the Northumberland, Tyne and Wear and North Durham and Durham, Darlington, Tees, Hambleton, Richmondshire and Whitby Draft Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Corporate Director Adults and Health Services commented that the plans were building on what had been happening locally. 


The Strategic Manager, Policy, Planning and Partnerships, DCC asked how the local plans flowing from the STPs would align with the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy (JHWS) and was advised by the Chief Clinical Officer, North Durham and Durham Dales, Easington and Sedgefield CCGs,  that these plans would link to the JHWS.


The Chief Clinical Officer DDES CCG said that it was complex with two STPs and 13 workstreams developing the plan and that a lot of work was happening locally, regionally and nationally.   The Chief Operating Officer added that the language in the STPs was to be a focus, to ensure they were accessible to members of the public.


The Head of Planning and Service Strategy queried why the priorities were different in the two STPs and commented that it was good to see a focus on mental health.  The Chief Operating Officer added that the mental health workstream as part of the South STP was making sure that the Five Year Forward View was being implemented.  The focus for the Northern STP was looking at where clinical development could be developed further.  


Councillor Gunn asked how the STP would link into children and young people’s services.  The Chief Operating Officer advised that a recent presentation had been provided to the Children and Families Partnership to outline work that was taking place at scale for children, young people and families.  The Consultant in Public Health County Durham added that the prevention workstream had a focus on the best start in life and that children were very much a part of that.


The Chief Operating Officer outlined she was keen for Healthwatch County Durham’s support in relation to engagement activities and she will be taking advice from Healthwatch as to the best way to carry this out.


The Director of Public Health County Durham stated that prevention starts at a community level in terms of self-help. An update on the regional Prevention Workstream as part of the STPs will be shared with the Board at a future meeting.


The Corporate Director, Adults and Health Services referred to Sunderland and South Tyneside STP and requested an update on progress.  She was advised that as part of the work on Pathways to Excellence there would be a public consultation starting on 5 July 2017 with a County Durham meeting taking place at the Glebe Centre, Murton.  This would look at Stroke Services, Maternity Services, Specialist Baby Care and Women’s Services.  The Chief Operating Officer said she would circulate a briefing to the board members.



(i)            That the progress updates for both STPs be received.

(ii)          That to receive further joint updates to future Health and Wellbeing Board meetings be agreed.

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