Agenda item

DM/17/00692/FPA - Lintzford Bridge Garden Centre, Lintzford Road, Hamsterley Mill

Change of use from car park to carwash (retrospective) (resubmission).


The Committee considered a report of the Planning Officer regarding the change of use from car park to carwash (retrospective) (resubmission) (for copy see file minutes).


The Team Leader North provided a detailed presentation which included photographs of the site and plans of the proposed layout. Copies of the layout which had been submitted by the applicant were also circulated for members’ information.


Councillor Shield noted that the car wash had been in operation for some time and made reference to the previous refusal and appeal. He advised that his main concerns related to contamination of the wider natural environment from inadequate wastewater drainage. In addition he advised that although the site was well screened this was only evident during spring / summer. He also found the use of floodlights and the impact on the busy arterial road to be of concern.


He therefore MOVED that the application should be refused on the grounds that it contravened NPPF, Part 11, Part 14 and Policy EN1 of the Derwentside District Local Plan.


Councillor Zair SECONDED the proposal.


The Team Leader North advised that unfortunately planners did have concerns regarding the quality of the resubmission and the capability of the applicant to provide what was required of them to provide sustainable drainage, disposal and hardstanding.


Councillor Jewell asked whether the recommended water waste equipment was 100% certain to remove any pollutants. The Team Leader North advised that this guarantee could not fully be given and advised that sustained use over a number of years could have an adverse impact on the natural environment.


Following a vote being taken it was:-


Resolved: that the application be refused on the grounds that the waste water management measures currently in operation together with those measures submitted with the application are not considered to be capable of

preventing significant harm to the natural environment contrary to Part 11 of the NPPF (Conserving & Enhancing the Natural Environment) and Policy EN1 of the Derwentside District Local Plan.


Reason - The proposal fails to satisfy the environment role of sustainable development and any benefits resulting from the development would not outweigh the adverse impacts of the proposal on the natural environment contrary to Paragraph 14 of the NPPF.

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