Agenda item

Supporting Care Leavers into Education, Employment and Training

a)        Report of the Corporate Director for Children & Young People’s Services


b)      Presentation by Strategic Manager Progression and Learning and Operations Manager Looked After and Permanence


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Children and Young People's Services that gave an update on the progress being made to support Care Leavers to participate in Education, Employment and Training (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Strategic Lead Progression and Learning and the Operations Manager Looked After and Permanence gave a detailed presentation that highlighted the following:-


·         Governance – 5 keys groups including Corporate Parenting Panel and Care Leavers Steering Group.

·         Participation Plan – a clear protocol was in place to support the transition from leaving school to further education, bespoke learning opportunities were developed and a protocol was in place to support progression into education, employment and training.

·         DurhamWorks Programme – funding in place until July 2018 with transitions advisers in place to help support the young person and grants offered to small businesses to take on apprentices and traineeships. Members were advised that there were currently 97 care leavers registered with the Durham Works Programme 42 of whom were now in employment, education or training.  Specialist Transition Advisers provided wrap around support to care leavers and continue to do so whilst they are on an apprenticeships, in work, undertaking learning, etc.

·         Message from the Chief Executive to give every care leaver an opportunity in the work place.

·         Teenagers2Work Programme – matching care leavers and looked after children to work experience opportunities

·         Performance data

·         Future challenges included supporting progression to higher education; continuing to improve progression to education, employment or training and sustaining support for Care Leavers post DurhamWorks.

·         Encouraging everybody to help and share information

·         Case studies


The Chairman asked about the future of the DurhamWorks European funding and was informed that the European Programme was in place until 2020 but that DurhamWorks was to finish in 2018.  The Strategic Manager added that there was funding of £5.1m available for County Durham to support young people and the team were aware that there would be significantly less resources in the future.  Some other funding may replace what was available at present but may not be at the same level and there was an argument that any funding should be aimed at vulnerable groups.


Councillor Crute said that the two case reviews highlighted had been very positive so showed that the programmes were working.  He asked how the service target those young people who were not part of any programme.  The Operations Manager confirmed that there were a number of young people that were hard to reach and a designated programme in relation to training around the individual was in place.  By arranging for the young person to gain a certificate or qualification and make them see how they could achieve it was in place.  With support from the Chief Executive and the response from departments also within the Council offering good work experience opportunities helped to encourage young people to participate.  Much more support and designated workers were in place.  Councillor Crute was pleased to hear that response and was advised that there were monthly meetings to look at each individual case and was monitored tightly.


Councillor Hall enquired if the Durham Works Programme was included on the committee’s work programme and was advised that it was included on the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee work programme as that committee led on this piece of work.


Further to a question from Mr Conlon the Committee were informed that there were a team of business advisors who would identify opportunities for people on DurhamWorks.  Advisors would work with an individual for as long as needed.  Grants were available to employers and this did help to open the door.  The Operations Manager added that 40 young people were being given the opportunity to work this summer as part of the Teenagers to Work programme.


The Chairman thanked the officers for their presentation.



That the report be noted.

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