Agenda item

DM/16/03382/OUT - Abraham Enterprise Park, St Helen Auckland, Bishop Auckland

Outline planning permission for the erection of bulky goods retail units (Class A1), with all matters reserved apart from access.


The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding an application for the erection of bulky goods retail units (Class A1), with all matters reserved apart from access at Abraham Enterprise Park, St Helen Auckland, Bishop Auckland (for copy see file of Minutes). 


C Teasdale, Strategic Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the application which included a site location plan, photographs and the site layout. Members were informed of a proposed amendment to the floor space in condition numbered 4 which should read 2066sqm.


In response to a question from Councillor Tinsley, the Principal Planning Officer confirmed that 2066sqm represented the gross retail area.


Councillor Tinsley commented on the detrimental impact that large scale retail development had on the town centre, and that the sale of bulky goods could have a further detrimental effect on shops, however he did accept that such developments were positive for the area as a whole. The Member also noted the number of proposed new housing developments in this part of Bishop Auckland and the cumulative impact this would have on an area that was already congested, particularly in the Tindale Crossing area, and he was concerned that this scheme would exacerbate the problems. He appreciated that each application must be considered on its own merits but sought an assurance that highway concerns were being addressed in the area as a whole. If the traffic problems worsened people may decide to shop elsewhere.


D Stewart, Principal DM Engineer appreciated the comments of Councillor Tinsley and assured the Member that conditions were attached to developments where it was felt that the increased traffic generated would add to congestion in the area. In this case a condition required a scheme to provide highway improvements in the vicinity, as outlined in the report.


Following a request for clarification from Councillor Patterson, Members were provided with details of the proposed access arrangements.


Councillor Huntington asked if light pollution had been considered as it was recognised as being a cause of health problems, and was informed that a condition required the submission of a lighting strategy by the developer.


Councillor Clare moved and Councillor Richardson seconded approval of the application.


Upon a vote being taken it was Resolved:


That the application be approved subject to the conditions contained in the report and to the floorspace in condition 4 being amended to read 2066sqm.

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