Agenda item

DM/16/02426/OUT - Land To The South Of 100 To 106 Dean Road, Ferryhill, DL17 8ES

Outline application including means of access (all other matters reserved) for up to 161 dwellings. (Amended description)


The Committee considered a report of the Senior Planning Officer regarding an outline application including means of access (all other matters reserved) for up to 161 dwellings (amended description) on land to the south of 100 to 106 Dean Road, Ferryhill (for copy see file of Minutes).


A Inch, Team Leader, Strategic Team gave a detailed presentation on the application which included a site location plan, aerial photographs, site photographs, an indicative layout and detail of the site access.  Members of the Committee had visited the site the previous day and were familiar with the location and setting.


Mr J Wyatt of WYG, representing the applicant, addressed the Committee.  The officer report presented a balanced and considered view of the application and he supported the recommendation that the application be approved.  The site was a sustainable location and was well related to the town of Ferryhill.  The site was allocated for 200 dwellings in the County Durham Plan and there were no adverse significant and demonstrable impacts from the development.  There were no objections from statutory consultees and the proposed access junction was considered by highways officers to be acceptable.  The development would bring significant economic and other benefits and would include 10% affordable housing.


Councillor Shield sought clarification on the proposed access onto the A167.  The Strategic Team Leader replied that access from the site would be from a T junction, and there would be a protected right turn to gain access to the site from the A167.  The 40 m.p.h. speed limit would be relocated to the south in advance of the development.


Councillor Shield expressed concern about vehicles from the development turning right onto the A167.


Councillor Clare informed the Committee that the Ferryhill Town Council had objected to the proposal on the grounds that the site access proposals were not in accordance with acceptable standards.  However, the highways authority raised no objection subject to appropriate mitigation.  There were no grounds to refuse the application on the grounds of site access.  The proposed junction would be at least as safe as the next junction to the north where there was also a petrol filling station and the next junction up to that where there was no protected right turn.  Councillor Clare moved approval of the application.


Councillor Tinsley informed the Committee that the policies in the saved Sedgefield Borough Local Plan were out of date and the application fell to be considered under NPPF 14.  He had visited the site the previous day and considered that it fitted in well with the existing structure of Ferryhill and would be an extension to the built up area.  When approached from the south the development had the potential to improve the visual entrance to Ferryhill.  The development was low density and would fit in with the topography.  Councillor Tinsley seconded approval of the application.


Councillor A Bell informed the Committee that he considered the proposed development would be a natural extension to Ferryhill.  He referred to the s106 payment towards open space and sporting provision and asked whether an on-site play area was being proposed.


The Highway Development Manager replied to the highways concerns which had been raised.  The A167 was a busy road which operated at 1500 vehicles both ways during peak hours.  A computer design programme showed that traffic would have the opportunity to egress from the development and that the junction would work quite well in terms of capacity.  The junction had been designed to high standards.


The Strategic Team Leader informed the Committee that the s106 contribution of £213,000 was towards open space and sporting provision within the electoral division.  On site there would be informal play areas and there were more formal play areas within proximity of the site.


Councillor Wilkes referred to paragraph 136 and expressed concern that that there had been no response from the NHS in relation to GP capacity within existing facilities in the area and therefore this was unknown.  The Strategic Team Leader replied that the application was submitted a number of months ago and NHS consulted at that time.  If the NHS had concerns about GP capacity they had been afforded sufficient time to respond.


Upon a vote being taken it was



That the application be approved subject to the completion of a Section 106 Legal Agreement to secure the provision of:-


·         10% Affordable housing

·         £213,480 towards open space and sporting provision within the Electoral Division

·         £45,143 towards highway infrastructure capacity improvements at Rushford roundabout.

·         £36,200 towards cycle network infrastructure in the area.

·         £32,968 to deliver targeted biodiversity enhancements in the area.


and subject to the conditions contained in the report.


Councillor Robinson vacated the Chair and left the meeting.



Councillor F Tinsley in the Chair



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