Report of the Bereavement Services Manager
The Joint Committee considered a report of the Bereavement Services Manager which provided the Joint Committee with an update in relation to performance and other operational matters (for copy see file of minutes).
The Bereavement Services Manager advised that during the period 1 June– 31 August 2017 there were 350 cremations undertaken and increase of 8 on the comparable period last year. He further reported that the number of plaques during the period was 19 (£6,540) which was an increase of 7, representing an increase of £2,724 year on year.
The Bereavement Services Manager further reported that the Crematorium had been successful in retaining the Green Flag Award for the sixth year running and was testimony to the dedication of the staff. This award was in addition to the Gold Star Status awarded by the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management.
It was also reported that the national recycling of metals scheme had produced a surplus of £350,000 from the 2017/18 collection. It was noted a cheque in the sum of £5,000 had been presented to Coping with Cancer North East and that a further cheque in sum of £5,000 for the Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society (SANDS) had been received, with arrangements being made for the presentation to charity.
Members further noted progress in respect of the replacement of cremators and installation of mercury abatement equipment. It was reported that Direct Services were progressing well, and ATI were due to begin work on site on 3 October 2017, however due to industrial action, they would begin 10 October 2017. The Bereavement Services Manager went on to provide a brief update on the Service Asset Management Plan (SAMP) including the planned crematorium improvement works.
The Chairman thanked the Officer and asked for any questions from the Joint Committee.
Councillor J Charlton asked who decided upon the charities to received donations from the recycling of metals scheme. The Bereavement Services Manager explained that a list of charities had been complied, following feedback from Members of the Committee, and that list was worked down until all had received support, then it would return to the top of the list. It was added that should Members have any proposals for appropriate charities to be added to the list they could let the Bereavement Services Manager know.
The Beraevement Services Manager noted that while attending the recent Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management ICCM Learning Convention and Exhibition 2017 he had the opportunity to view a video showing the recycling of metals process and the reasons why it was carried out. He added he felt this may be beneficial for Members information, the Bereavement Services Manager noted he would look into how this may be achieved.
Councillor M Charlton noted that the SAMP set out redecoration for the Crematorium being 2021, she asked if redecoration should not be carried out sooner. The Bereavement Services Manager noted that redecoration works were scheduled for this year, with 2021 being the next time after that.
Councillor O Milburn asked as regards the repairs to the Chapel, the Bereavement Services Manager noted that there would be the requirement of specialist to carry out works to the stained glass windows and roof.
(i) That the current performance of the crematorium be noted.
(ii) That the continued success with regards to the Green Flag Award be noted
(iii) That the current round of money available under the recycling of metals scheme be noted.
(iv) That the current position with regard to cremator replacement be noted.
(v) That the content of the Service Asset Management Plan be noted and agreed.
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