Agenda item

Application 6/2010/0316/DM - Field House, Lartington

Change of use from agriculture to a mixed use of agriculture and equestrian and erection of American style barn


6/2010/0316/DM – Change of use from agriculture to a mixed use of agriculture and equestrian and erection of American Barn (stables) at Field House, Lartington


The Principal Planning Officer (A Caines) presented a report on the above application; the written report was supplemented by a visual presentation which included photographs of the site.It was noted that a site visit had taken place the previous day.


The Committee was addressed by Mr Hammond (Lartington Parish Council), who detailed the Parish Council’s objections on the grounds that the development would be inappropriate for the Conservation Area in terms of scale, material and character; that the building would be too large and not commensurate with the associated land; that the building would be alien in the environment and that trees and archaeology might be damaged (although it was accepted that the Council’s Archaeologist had indicated that the development would not pose a significant risk to the archaeological features referred to and that suitable conditions had been suggested in mitigation). Mr Hammond also acknowledged that the Council was satisfied by the proposed condition with regard to the safeguarding of trees, although he suggested that a condition requiring hedge planting instead of fencing should also be imposed. Whilst not objecting to the erection of a stable in principle, the Council was also still concerned about the impact of the proposed development on the Conservation Area; he noted that residents of Lartington took great pride in their village. He referred to the parish plan produced a few years ago, which included requirements for the use of traditional materials, and to a number of new buildings which had been constructed of local stone since then; a timber building would not enhance the Conservation Area and he asked the Committee to refuse the application.


Members then had an opportunity to comment on the application; the Chair referred to the site visit and noted that the site was well screened by trees and that the building would not be prominent in the landscape. However, it was suggested that an additional condition be imposed requiring that a landscaping/screening scheme be submitted and agreed. On being put to the vote, however, this was rejected.


Councillor Todd moved that the application be approved subject to conditions; he was seconded by Councillor Campbell.  



That the application be approved subject to the conditions detailed in the officer’s report to the Committee.



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