Agenda item

Application 7/2011/0055/DM - Land north east of High Street, Byers Green

Application to renew planning permission APP/M1330/A07/2040536 for residential development (outline application)


6/2011/0055/DM – Application for renewal of extant planning permission APP/M1330/A07/2040536 for residential development (outline application) on land north east of High Street, Byers Green


The Planning Officer presented a report on the above application; the written report was supplemented by a visual presentation which included photographs of the site.

He noted that policy would now require 20% of the dwellings to be affordable units and this would need to be conditioned.


The Committee was addressed by Mrs Lupton (objector), who considered that the proposed realignment of the highway involved in this proposal would in fact be dangerous, especially as it was in close proximity to a children’s play area. She did not believe that the development was sustainable as there were few jobs or services in the village. She suggested that the sewage system would be unable to cope and that the application land was subject to subsidence. She claimed that residents had many unanswered questions arising from the proposed development, including over issues such as who would pay for any remedial works that might be required; whether the war memorial would be affected; the safeguarding of children and the play area and whether any additional parking would be provided. 


The Committee then heard from Mr J Lavender (applicant’s agent), who emphasised that only the current economic climate had delayed implementation of the extant permission and that all the matters referred to had been considered when the original application was made. In the circumstances he urged members to approve the application.


Whilst sympathising with the objector in this case, and urging any prospective developer to engage with the local community, members agreed that, in the circumstances, the application should be approved.


Councillor Wilkinson moved that the application be approved subject to conditions; he was seconded by Councillor Tomlinson.  



That the application be approved subject to the conditions detailed in the officer’s report to the Committee and to the prior completion of an acceptable agreement under Section 106 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 to secure 20% affordable housing within the scheme.



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