Agenda item

Quarter 1 2017/18 Performance Management Report

Report of the Director of Transformation and Partnerships – presented by Laura Malone, Team Leader, Performance Co-ordination and Development, Transformation and Partnerships.


The Chairman introduced the Team Leader, Performance Co-ordination and Development, Transformation and Partnerships who was in attendance to speak to Members in relation to the Quarter I 2017/18 Performance Management Report for the Altogether Safer priority theme (for copy see file of minutes).


Councillor Crute referred to his concern of the use of performance indicators as evidence and asked if the terminology in the report could be amended to reflect that they are indicators and not evidence.


The Chairman asked the Officer to feed this back to the service.


Councillor Stephenson referred to the number of red indicators in particular the suicide rate per 100,000 population and sought clarification if there was a plan in place.


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer advised Members that the Council’s Adults, Wellbeing and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee were undertaking review activity on mental health and suicide to which once complete, the report could be shared with the Committee.


The Chairman and Councillor Crute referred to cross cutting activity across scrutiny committees and that this would be considered at a meeting scheduled to be held on 9 October 2017 with all Chairs and Vice-Chairs of scrutiny committees.




That the report be noted.

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