Agenda item

Review Updates

Verbal update by Jonathan Slee, Overview and Scrutiny Officer, Transformation and Partnerships.


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer referred to the Cybercrime Working Group that had been held on 11 September 2017 that focused on hacking and young people. This area had been identified as a gap and the aim of the review is prevent young people from becoming engaged or remaining in cybercrime activity. Members were informed that Professor Irons from Sunderland University was in attendance together with Detective Sergeant Martin Wilson and Andrea Petty, Strategic Manager.


The next session would be held on 16 October 2017 and would be looking at prevention and education awareness and the 17 November 2017 session would be focused on how prevention from remaining in cybercrime activity.


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer then informed Members of a forthcoming focused scrutiny session on the partnership response to an increase in arson and secondary deliberate fires in the East Durham area. This topic was requested at the Committee’s meeting in June and the session would be held on 12 October 2017 at 1.00 pm. The Committee were advised that following agreement with the Chair, locality members within areas of higher incidents of arson and deliberate fires had also been invited to attend the session. Following the session a report would be sent to Safe Durham Partnership Board and the Portfolio Holder.