Agenda item

Local Growth Fund

Report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration and Local Services – Presented by the Strategy, Policy and Partnership Team Leader, Regeneration and Local Services.


The Chairman introduced the Strategy and Partnerships Team Leader, Heather Orton to update Members in terms of the Local Growth Fund (for copy see file of minutes).


The Strategy and Partnerships Team Leader noted that since 2014, Government had awarded Growth Funds to Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) for projects that benefited a local area and the national economy.  It was noted that there was a NELEP Development Pipeline to help deliver the economic ambitions set out in the North East Strategic Economic Plan.  It was added that in round three, the NELEP was allocated £49.7 million, with the majority of which, £41.9 million was to support the International Advanced Manufacturing Park (IAMP) at Sunderland/South Tyneside.  Members noted none of the Durham round three bids had been successful.


Councillors were referred to table 1 within the report that set out the DCC LGF 1 and 2 funded projects: Infrastructure for Forrest Park; NETPark Infrastructure Phase 3; Horden Rail Station; NETPark Explorer; Auckland Castle Welcome Building Infrastructure Works; and the Durham City Incubator.

The Strategy and Partnerships Team Leader noted that in terms of post-LGF, there had been no announcement of further rounds from Government and therefore Authorities, including DCC would work with the NELEP in terms of utilising any under spends and would look to other sources of funding.  It was added that these included the National Productivity Investment Fund, which DCC had submitted two bids, and the Housing Infrastructure Fund.


The Chairman asked Members for their questions on the report.


Councillor J Atkinson asked for clarification as regards page 59 of the report, paragraph 3 which stated “mini high growth business, skills and innovation programme” and “none of the standalone Durham bid submissions were successful”.


The Strategy and Partnerships Team Leader explained that the NELEP had asked for Local Authorities to submit a combined bid, with a Durham bid being linked to Aykley Heads and sustainable transport, however this was not successful.  It was added however, that Government had allocated £49.2 million to the NELEP, with the majority going to the IAMP, and the remainder to “mini programmes” supporting small projects across the North East.




That the report be noted.


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