Agenda item

External Audit Progress Report - September 2017 - Report of the External Auditor


The Committee considered a report of the External Auditor which asked the Committee to note progress with the external audit of Durham County Council to date (for copy see file of Minutes).


Mr Collins reported that work on the Council’s Housing Benefits subsidy return was ongoing and would be reported to the next meeting of the Committee.


Councillors Carr and Robinson noted proposed changes to housing benefits and were informed by the Corporate Director of Resources that the potential impact of the changes on the Council in terms of the MTFP, would be explored and addressed.


Mr Collins highlighted that the Annual Regulatory Compliance and Quality Report 2016/2017 had concluded that Mazars had maintained its performance against the regulatory compliance indicators since last year, with all of the 2016/2017 indicators scored as green.


Mr C Richardson noted that in accordance with National Audit Office Guidance on cyber security and information risk that Audit Committees should be scrutinising the Council’s arrangements. The Chairman suggested that this be considered by the Committee at its next meeting.


Councillor Robinson understood that Mazars would be taking on the audit of a number of Parish Councils in County Durham, and was informed by Mr Kirkham that hand-over arrangements were in place with dedicated Officers assigned to this work.




That the contents of the External Auditor’s progress report be noted, and consideration be given to the Council’s arrangements for cyber security at the next meeting.

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