Agenda item

Health and Wellbeing Board Annual Report 2016/17


The Committee considered the report of the Director of Transformation and Partnerships that presented the Annual Report 2016/17, a copy of which had been circulated to Members prior to the meeting (for copy of report, see file of minutes).


The Strategic Manager, Policy, Planning and Partnerships was in attendance to present the report.


In referring to the achievements of the Board during 2016/17, the Chairman congratulated the team on the Health and Wellbeing Board being shortlisted for the 2016 Local Government Chronicle’s “Effective Health and Wellbeing Board” award.


Councillor Temple referred to the oral health strategy for County Durham and sought clarification if the proposed extension of water fluoridation across County Durham was to be moved forward. The Strategic Manager, Policy, Planning and Partnerships responded that this was in the Board’s work programme but was not at the point of consultation as yet.



(i)            That the work undertaken in 2016/17 be noted.

(ii)          That the Annual Report 2016/17 be received for information.

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