Agenda item

Scoping Report: Review of Allotments Management Policy - Report of the Director of Transformation and Partnerships


The Committee considered the Joint Report of the Director of Transformation and Partnership and Corporate Director of Regeneration and Local Services that provided Members with background information together with the terms of reference and project plan for a review of Durham County Council’s future management of allotment services (for copy of report, see file of minutes).


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer presented the report highlighted that the review would be more than a light touch review as indicated in the report and reminded Members that scrutiny reviews can be policy review or policy development and this piece of scrutiny review activity would help to develop the new allotment policy and tenancy agreement.


The objectives of the review were:

·       Examine and understand Durham County Council’s current allotment service policy including implementation challenges experienced with the current countywide lettings policy.

·       Examine and comment on Durham County Council’s future allotment policy including:

o   The revised countywide lettings policy and countywide tenancy agreement and consider the possible implications of introduction.

o   The proposed options for further devolved management of Durham County Council’s allotment estate to TOWN & Parish Councils where applicable or self-managed allotment associations including consideration of any advantages and challenges.

o   The options for Durham County Council’s future management of non-allotment plots currently included in the allotment portfolio.

·       Ensure engagement with existing allotment tenants in the review process by using social media to capture views/comments on Durham County Council’s future allotment policy.

·       Consider and compare Durham County Council’s future allotment policy with allotment policies implemented by other local authorities

·       Comment on the proposed consultation arrangements for Durham County Council’s future allotment policy.


Following the review, it was expected the following outcomes will be achieved:

·       Awareness of Durham County Council’s current allotment service and policy including challenges experienced with the introduction of the countywide letting s policy

·       An opportunity for members to further develop and inform Durham County Council’s future allotment policy

·       An opportunity for County Durham allotment tenants to influence Durham County Council future allotment policy

·       Awareness of allotment policies implemented by other local authorities and the possible implications of introducing Durham County Council’s future allotment policy.

·       An opportunity to influence the proposed consultation arrangements for Durham County Council’s future allotment policy.

·       Durham County Council’s future allotment policy and proposed consultation arrangements will have been further developed and informed by Overview and Scrutiny Members.


The review group would consist of up 10 Members of the Environment and Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee together with the Chair and Vice-Chair and the Chair and Vice-chair of the Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Management Board who would be ex-officio members.  Members who were interested to be part of the review group to give their names to the Overview and Scrutiny Officer at the end of the meeting.


The Chairman indicated that they were looking to develop the policy which was an in depth process which needed commitment. The first visit to the allotments would be held on 11 October 2017 and they would be looking at current and future policy and communicating with allotment holders. He asked that any interest in joining the group be given to the Overview and Scrutiny Officer.


Councillor Jopling indicated that allotments were a hot topic in her village.


Councillor Carr suggested that a representative from the Regional Allotments Association be invited to one of the working groups. Members were advised that a representative from the National Allotments Association would be attending the meeting on the 7 December 2017. Members agreed to also invite a representative from the Regional Allotments Association to a meeting of the group.


Mr Bolton referred to Parish Council’s statutory providing allotments and he suggested that they also had an input into the review and this could be done through the County Durham Association of Local Councils.


Resolved: (i) That the terms of reference as set out in the report be agreed.


(ii) That the project plan circulated with the report be agreed.


(iii) That a representatives from the Regional Allotments Association and the County Durham Association of Local Councils be invited to attend a meeting of the group.

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