Agenda item

DM/17/01959/OUT - Dunelm Stables To The Rear Of Dunelm Road, Thornley

19 Self build plots with vehicular and pedestrian access and demolition of 84 Dunelm Road (outline with some matters reserved).


The Team Leader – Central and East gave a detailed presentation on the report relating to the abovementioned planning application, a copy of which had been circulated (for copy see file of minutes).  Members noted that the written report was supplemented by a visual presentation which included photographs of the site.  The Planning Officer advised that Members of the Committee had visited the site previously and were familiar with the location and setting.  The application was for 19 self-build plots with details of layout and access (outline) and was recommended for approval, subject to conditions and s106 agreements.


The Team Leader – Central and East noted a similar application had been approved by the Committee at its meeting in February, with 13 dwellings, and the application before Committee now set out 19 dwellings within the same site boundary.  It was added that the land had been used for horse trotting, and the access proposals were the same as the application approved in February, with a property owned by the applicant to be demolished to allow access.  It was added that site layout was being considered within this application.


Members noted representations were as set out within the report, with no objections from statutory or internal consultees.  The Team Leader – Central and East explained that there had been 1 letter of support, and 6 objections, with details set out within the report.  In was noted that the principle of development had been established with the previous approval, on the basis of being in a sustainable location, with good nearby facilities and good transport links.  It was reiterated that access was as previously agree in February, and the layout did achieve the relevant separation distances, with detailed design to follow at the reserved matters stage.


The Committee were reminded that as they development was for self-build plots, there would be a s106 to secure off-site provision of affordable homes within the Division, and a contribution towards play equipment for the area.  The Team Leader – Central and East concluded by noting that the application was recommended for approval, subject to conditions as the s106 agreement.


The Chairman noted there were no speakers on this application and asked Members for their comments and questions.


Councillor G Bleasdale moved that the application be approved; she was seconded by Councillor R Manchester.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions and Section 106 agreements as detailed in the Officer’s report to the Committee.


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