The Panel considered a report and presentation delivered by Glenda Henderson, Placement Efficiency Manager, which provided an overview of the Placement Efficiency Plan. The Efficiency Plan for 2017/18 was circulated at the meeting (for copy of report, presentation and Efficiency Plan see file of minutes).
Councillor Makepeace asked how external costs would be reduced. The Placement Efficiency Manager replied that there is to be a review in 2018 which will include the renegotiation of the regional framework and the development of the external market provision. The Placement Efficiency Manager stressed the importance of working collaboratively with external providers.
Councillor Grant referred to edge of care services commenting that services of this nature had been offered by establishments in previous years however those establishments had closed. The Strategic Manager for Looked After and Permanence replied that, due to the increase in the number of looked after children, it had been necessary to widen the offer in order to provide more intensive support to families.
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