Agenda item

C10a Leadgate Road, Leadgate - 40mph Speed Limit - Report of Corporate Director, Regeneration and Local Services


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration and Local Services regarding a proposed Traffic Regulation Order to increase the speed limit from 30mp to 40mph on a new section of road on the C10a western approach to Leadgate (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Committee were informed that the road in question used to be fairly narrow and been subject to a recent road realignment. A railway bridge had also been removed as it was in poor condition. Historically, the road had been subject to a 30 mph speed limit by virtue of it having a system of street lights. The limit had also been self-enforcing due to the overall layout. Traffic signals were also operation over the bridge deck when it was in situ.


The Police had reported that a significant number of complaints had been received about speeding in the area which had resulted in periods of targeted enforcement.


The Committee were provided with a presentation which detailed the following:-


·         Location plan;

·         current and proposed speed limits;

·         a selection of photos from the area.


(for copy see file of Minutes).


The Traffic Assets Manager explained that the 30mph was not considered to be ‘self-evident to drivers on the new road layout due to the wide carriageway, the removal of the traffic signals and the lack of property frontage development meaning that drivers were confused with the open aspect of the road layout and used the road as if it were subject to a higher speed limit.  The Committee were advised of Department for Transport guidance regarding credible speed limits and best practice for achieving lower speed limits.


A number of representations had been received which were detailed in the report. These were summarised for the Committee.


Councillor Temple accepted the issue as presented by officers but could not agree with the reasoning behind the proposed increase in speed limit. Councillor Temple explained that he had expressed his concerns throughout the consultation process and residents from Villa Real Bungalows and Newbell Court had also expressed concerns. Councillor Temple felt that a decision to increase the speed limit would legitimise people that drove faster. Furthermore, an increased speed limit would create a safety issue for those crossing the Coast 2 Coast (C2C) cycle route and believed that speeds would be faster in areas where motorists would be exiting from estate roads, including Villa Real Bungalows and Sherburn Terrace.


The Committee discussed the use of 30 mph repeater signs as an alternative to increasing the speed limit. It was explained that the DoT would not allow for the use of repeater signs on 30mph stretches of road where street lights were present.  However, repeater signs could be used on 40mph stretches of roads. Councillor A Gardner informed the Committee that the C2C was one of the most used cycle routes in the country. He felt that the measures proposed in the report would present an increased danger to cyclists.  Councillor Gardner also asked if the 20mph zone around the Primary School should be re-examined.


Councillor P Sexton commented that the C2C crossing point was difficult to cross at the present time, therefore he could not support any increase in the speed limit.


In response, the Traffic Assets Manager informed the Committee that speed surveys had shown that 20% of vehicles were travelling in excess of 30mph at the C2C crossing point, with 5% at a speed where the police would potentially prosecute.


Councillor J Turnbull informed the Committee that a similar speed increase had taken place in his area a number of years ago. At the time he had echoed similar concerns expressed by Councillor Temple and was very doubtful that the scheme would have been successful.  However, this had been in place for a number of years to date and it had been a success, despite the initial doubts.  Councillor Turnbull moved the recommendation and proposed that the proposed scheme should be introduced on an initial nine month basis.


Councillor Ormerod felt that the scheme should be rejected on the basis of the unanimity amongst the local members their local knowledge, together with the depth of feeling amongst local residents.


Councillor Milburn seconded the motion moved by Councillor Turnbull.



That a Traffic Regulation Order be made to introduce a 40mph speed limit on the C10a commencing prior to the A691/A692 roundabouts, and to introduce a 30mph speed limit to encompass the C2C and zebra crossing facilities at the western end of Leadgate and the operation of the scheme be reviewed after nine months of operation.


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