J Wilson provided the following update on
recent activity by the Children in Care Council.
- Good feedback had been received
following the AGM.
- Interview guidance is being prepared
to assist young people with interviews.
- A survey is being developed for all
children in care to gain their views on the Children in Care
Council. A draft has been submitted to
the Operations Manager for Looked After and Permanence, for
approval, before going live.
- The younger members of the CiCC are
being encouraged to become involved in the foster carer training in
- An informal meeting was held for the
under 11’s to gather their views, and the plan is to hold
similar meetings every 3 to 4 months.
- With reference to the
‘promise’ to support looked after children, the
feedback from the young people at the CiCC is that they are happy
with the content, however they have requested that the wording is
changed to be more
child-friendly. Consideration is being
given to developing a child-friendly/easy read version
incorporating the young people’s comments and feedback.
- Investing in Children and the
Children in Care Council will deliver mentoring training on the
subject of being a good corporate parent on 30 January
2018 between 5 and 7 pm at County
J Wilson concluded by thanking the Panel,
saying how much he appreciated the opportunity to attend and
participate in the meetings.