Agenda item

Chairs Comments


Judith Bainbridge informed members that she had sent letters to Roberta Blackman-Woods MP and Pat Glass MP on behalf of SACRE expressing concerns about the exclusion of RE in the English Baccalaureate. Judith received a general reply saying they would be looking into it. Isobel informed members that any decision will be made by the Government in June/July. Discussions took place regarding legislation and procedures. Councillor Dixon asked if Isobel could find out the next steps.


Discussions continued about the type of evidence that is being gathered about RE provision across the County and Country. Isobel responded that

Ofsted visit 30 secondary schools per year to inspect RE.  This would include the impact on RE of any curriculum changes at Key Stage 4 e.g. E.Bacc.

Isobel has also sent letters to teachers in Durham asking them to provide evidence on what is happening in their schools.


Judith read out a letter from Jonathon Jewsbury which he sent to his Head Teacher and School Governor with his concerns about the reduction of RE in  the curriculum plan due to cuts and staffing issues.


Isobel has had conversations with Jonathon, the Deputy and the Head Teacher and has agreed to visit the school to look at the curriculum and RE provision. Councillor Dixon requested a copy of the letter to discuss with Councillor Clare Vasey who is the Portfolio Holder for Children and Young Peoples Service.


It was agreed that Judith would write to the Head Teacher in response to Jonathon’s letter.