Agenda item

SACRE Updates - Report of the Specialist Inspector for Religious Education and the Education Development Advisor


Isobel Short presented the SACRE updates (for copy see file of minutes).


Isobel attended the NASACRE Annual General Meeting in Birmingham on the 11 May which she found valuable as it gave the opportunity to discuss national developments and difficulties with other advisors. Isobel expressed how fortunate she feels working for County Durham which is very supportive of RE and SACRE.


Linda Burton asked for clarification about RE in Academies. Isobel responded that the RE Guidance 2010 states that academies should teach RE in accordance to the Agreed Syllabus but there is nothing definite on what the syllabus should contain.


Members discussed the major funding body for academies and if they can determine what is taught in RE. Isobel commented that SACRE has no authority over what is being taught in academies but would make every effort to work in partnership with them. Isobel will monitor and provide feedback.


Catherine Robson presented an update detailing the work carried out in Primary and Secondary schools including the consultation on the Agreed Syllabus (for copy see file of minutes).


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