Agenda item

Police and Crime Panel

Verbal update by Jonathan Slee, Overview and Scrutiny Officer, Transformation and Partnerships


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer gave a verbal update in respect of the last meeting of the Police and Crime Panel (PCP), the agenda papers for Committee having been dispatched prior to the Panel meeting.


Members were advised that the main item was the Police, Victims and Crime Commissioner’s (PCVC) precept consultation of a proposed increase of up to £12 per Council Tax Band D property, and the rationale behind the increase.  It was noted that the Panel would be considering the PCVC’s precept at its meeting on 1 February 2018.


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer added that the agenda for this meeting also included the Quarter 2 Performance Report and the PCVC’s Report on Police Community Engagement, which included the rationale for the review of Police and Communities Together (PACT) meetings and wider engagement through Community Cohesion Officers and community events supported by the Police.




That the verbal update be noted.