Agenda item

Quarter 2: Forecast of Revenue and Capital Outturn 2017/18


The Committee considered a report of the Head of Financial Services which provided the Committee with details of the 2016/17 revenue and capital outturn position for Children and Young People’s Service grouping, highlighting major variances in comparison with the budget for the year (for copy see file of minutes).


Councillor Blakey enquired if the underspend in the education budget would be used for the backlog of school psychology service assessments and she asked if they were hoping to recruit.  The Finance Manager would seek clarification from the service and feed back to Councillor Blakey.


Referring to the recent situation with Carillion, Councillor Patterson asked how this would affect the School Capital Budget.  The Finance Manager advised that the team were assessing the impact including the proposed maintenance contracts for BSF schools.  He confirmed that with regards to the capital budget, Carillion were not undertaking any current work.



That the report be noted.

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