Agenda item

Education, Employment and Training Opportunities for Care Leavers - Report and presentation of Linda Bailey, Strategic Manager, Progression and Learning



The Panel considered a report and presentation of the Strategic Manager for Progression and Learning which updated the Panel on the support available to care leavers to enable them to progress into education, employment and training (EET) (for copy of report and presentation see file of minutes).


The Chair asked the care leavers if they would like to give their views on the EET opportunities available to them.  The care leavers commented that some young people in the care system are hampered by barriers such as a lack of confidence and anxiety issues.  They added that it would be useful if there were more opportunities to work on-line, from home, in order to ease themselves into working life.   The Strategic Manager for Progression and Learning responded that DurhamWorks is aware of these issues and provision for this type of work is available.


Referring to the number of young people being supported, Cllr Charlton asked what the outcomes are for the 71 young people who are not being being progressed through the DurhamWorks project.  The Strategic Manager for Progression and Learning responded that assistance continues to be offered to those young people, however, a small number of young people choose not to engage. 


The Chair asked what targets are being achieved with regard to EET.  The Strategic Manager for Progression and Learning responded that the Cabinet endorsed the Opportunities for Every Care Leaver report which included targets to encourage more employment and apprenticeship opportunities. 


Cllr McKeon asked about the long-term outcomes and whether there is evidence to show that young people are gaining employment after their training.  The Strategic Manager for Progression and Learning replied that 95% of those young people supported through the scheme have gained employment.


The care leavers then spoke about their experience of the care system.  The young people were complimentary about the support they had received from their Young Person’s Adviser and their foster placement. They reported that they would have benefitted from more support with mental health issues.


The Head of Looked After Services and Care Leavers informed members that the Corporate Director of Children and Young People’s Services is establishing a group of senior officers and health service representatives to identify specific groups that are in need of mental health support and to ensure that the support is made available.  The Strategic Manager for Looked After and Permanence informed the panel that the Full Circle Service provides emotional and psychological support.  The Chair requested that regular updates be given to the Panel regarding the progress of the group.


The Chair then referred the Panel to the questions posed at the conclusion of the presentation on the Local Offer for Care Leavers and the Panel discussed these questions in small groups.  A note was taken of the discussion.


Having heard the issues raised directly by the care leavers, the Panel requested the Head of Looked After Children and Care Leavers to write to the Chief Executive and the Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board to raise the Corporate Parenting Panel’s concerns regarding mental health issues.




i.          Noted the content of the report and presentation;

ii.         Requested any additional information required in relation to education, employment and training opportunities for Care Leavers.


Linda Bailey, Trish Lambert and the care leavers left the meeting.


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