Agenda item

Children in Care Council - Update from Investing in Children


J Wilson provided the following update:


  • Training for foster carers had recently taken place.


  • With reference to the ‘promise’ to support looked after children, this had been amended to make it more child-friendly.


  • The CiCC is doing some work on updating the Looked After Guide.


  • February 16 is National Care Day and to link in with this the CiCC is launching their Care Leavers Challenge.  Members were invited to participate and those wishing to take part were asked to sign up by 5 February.  The challenge takes place between 12 and 25 February and the challenge is to live like a care leaver with only £57.90 per week to live on.  Information packs were made available at the end of the meeting.


  • The CiCC is to planning to apply for Key Funding for £500 in respect of an activities budget.


  • All members were invited to attend the mentoring training on 30 January at       5 pm at County Hall.