Agenda item

Motions on Notice

Cllr Wilkes to Move


This winter’s weather has caused serious damage to our highways network and placed significant pressure on the Council’s services and staff.


Council therefore:


1. Places on record its thanks for the immense work done by our staff, keeping our highways and other services running, including many staff going way beyond the call of duty.


2. Recognises that as with each year, there needs to be a review of winter maintenance but that this year all County Councillors, Town and Parish councils, other stakeholders and the public will be asked to put forward their views on how we can improve future winter maintenance programs.


3. Agrees to review the current scoring system for grit bins so that areas not currently meeting criteria may become accepted where full long term funding is provided if they meet an amended scoring system.


4. Welcomes the £1.3m additional government funding for highways but believes this is inadequate and will not touch the sides of the work required and therefore calls on the government to immediately provide to councils affected by the severe weather with more significant additional capital funding to deal with the damage to public highways caused by recent conditions.


5. Calls on Cabinet to invest additional funding into the highways budget in-year to help address existing and additional pressures, following the current review underway of the damage caused.


In accordance with a Notice of Motion it was Moved by Councillor Wilkes and Seconded by Councillor Martin:


This winter’s weather has caused serious damage to our highways network and placed significant pressure on the Council’s services and staff.


Council therefore:


1.            Places on record its thanks for the immense work done by our staff, keeping our highways and other services running, including many staff going way beyond the call of duty.


2.            Recognises that as with each year, there needs to be a review of winter maintenance but that this year all County Councillors, Town and Parish councils, other stakeholders and the public will be asked to put forward their views on how we can improve future winter maintenance programs.


3.            Agrees to review the current scoring system for grit bins so that areas not currently meeting criteria may become accepted where full long term funding is provided if they meet an amended scoring system.


4.            Welcomes the £1.3m additional government funding for highways but believes this is inadequate and will not touch the sides of the work required and therefore calls on the government to immediately provide to councils affected by the severe weather with more significant additional capital funding to deal with the damage to public highways caused by recent conditions.


5.            Calls on Cabinet to invest additional funding into the highways budget in-year to help address existing and additional pressures, following the current review underway of the damage caused.


Councillor B Stephens, Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhoods and Local Partnerships, while welcoming the recognition of the work of the Council’s winter maintenance staff and also the call for extra funding, moved the following amendment, seconded by Councillor E Adam:


This winter’s weather has caused serious damage to our highways network and placed significant pressure on the Council’s services and staff.


Council therefore


1.            Places on record its thanks for the immense work done by our staff, keeping our highways and other services running, including many staff going way beyond the call of duty.


2.            Recognises that as with each year, there needs to be a review of winter maintenance but that this year all County Councillors, Town and Parish councils, other stakeholders and the public will be asked to put forward their views on how we can improve future winter maintenance programs.


3.            Agrees to review the current scoring system for grit bins so that areas not currently meeting criteria may become accepted where full long term funding is provided if they meet an amended scoring system.


4.            Welcomes the £1.3m additional government funding for highways but believes this is inadequate and will not touch the sides of the work required to address the highway maintenance backlog and damage caused by the recent severe weather conditions and therefore calls on the government to immediately provide to councils affected by the severe weather with more significant additional capital funding to deal with the damage to public highways caused by recent conditions.


5.            Calls on Cabinet to invest additional funding into the highways budget in-year to help address existing and additional pressures, following the current review underway of the damage caused.


Upon a vote being taken the Amendment was carried and therefore became the Substantive Motion.


Upon a further vote being taken the Substantive Motion was carried.