Agenda item

Industrial Strategy - Progress

Report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration and Local Services - Principal Regeneration Policy Analyst, Regeneration and Local Services.


The Chairman introduced the Principal Regeneration Policy Analyst, Glenn Martin who was in attendance to give an update on progress of the Government’s Industrial Strategy White Paper(for copy see file of minutes).


The Principal Regeneration Policy Analyst noted that the Government’s Green Paper on this had been published early last year and the Council had submitted an extensive response.  He noted that the White Paper was significantly different from the Green Paper, however unfortunately many of the Councils comments had not been taken on board.  It was noted there were now 5 “Foundations of Productivity” (Places, Ideas; People; Infrastructure; and Business Environment) that replaces the Green Paper’s “10 Pillars” (Growth across the whole country; local institutions; science, research and innovation; world-leading sectors; skills; infrastructure; energy and clean growth; business starts and growth; trade and inward investment; and procurement.


The Committee noted that the Government were not consulting on the White Paper, which would usually take place, and that the issue of Brexit did not seem to be addressed.  The Principal Regeneration Policy Analyst noted that consistent with previous strategies, there was a lot back loaded in terms of the current Parliament.


The Principal Regeneration Policy Analyst explained the Government were keen to reinforce the roles of the Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) and Combined Mayoral Authorities and that Government also was looking to the digital business, including areas such as artificial intelligence, mobility, health and life sciences and aging, with a £725 million fund, though this had existed prior to the Strategy.


The Committee noted: a £22 million project in terms of driverless technology with Durham University and Jaguar/Land Rover; the automotive sector deal as set out on the Government website, together with the deal with Nissan; and electric car charging.  The Principal Regeneration Policy Analyst explained GlaxoSmithKline were expanding their life sciences facility at Barnard Castle. 

It was also noted that housing need in the North of England was different from the South and that the Industrial Strategy asked for “local industrial strategies” and that these would be for Combined Authorities (Mayors) or LEPs to develop.


The Principal Regeneration Policy Analyst noted areas of opportunity for the North East included infrastructure, with £1 billion for roads and rail and £1 billion for broadband provision.  It was noted the Government wished to help support more catapults; noting County Durham already had 2 at NETPark.  In terms of education, it was noted the North East falls behind London, though there was a Teacher Development Premium available, the Industrial Strategy also identifies the need to help develop employment for disabled people.  The Principal Regeneration Policy Analyst reiterated that Brexit was not mentioned and that work would continue internally and via the County Council Network and other such bodies to lobby in terms of what the Council would like to see within the Industrial Strategy.


The Chairman thanked the Officer and asked Members for their comments and questions.


Councillor R Crute noted he had some significant misgiving in terms of the changes made since the Green Paper and with no opportunity for consultation on the White Paper. 

He considered whether this was a failure of the Northern Powerhouse, regional structures, or whether the work in terms of Brexit was taking up much of the Government’s time.  Councillor R Crute continued that the committee should make its concerns known in relation to the lack of further consultation arrangements on the White Paper.  The Principal Regeneration Policy Analyst noted that the Industrial Strategy did not sit in isolation.


Councillor P Sexton agreed with Councillor R Crute but he was hopeful that Officers at the Council would be able to look at the Strategy and move forward.  The Principal Regeneration Policy Analyst noted the Government honouring “EU Funding” up to 2020 was welcomed.


Councillor J Clare noted the Transport for the North Plan stated £47 billion was required, however, only £31 million was being mentioned, he asked whether there had been any communication.  The Principal Regeneration Policy Analyst noted Transport for the North had been mentioned within the Industrial Strategy, however, there were no further details.  Councillor J Clare noted the Government were focusing on the South East of England.




(i)            That the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee note the report.

(ii)          That the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee express its concern to the Cabinet Portfolio Holder about the lack of opportunity to respond to the Industrial Strategy White Paper.


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