Agenda item

RE Subject Advisor Report


The RE Subject Adviser advised Members that the Chairman of SACRE had undertaken a Governor Training Session on her behalf which had received excellent evaluations.


The RE Network meetings scheduled for the spring term had to be cancelled but the recent Network meetings had been well attended.


Members were advised that Mahshid Turner had given a talk at primary networks about Islam. Elizabeth Baker a local storyteller had also attended the primary network meeting and given a free resource called ‘Spirit in Stone’.


She then referred to guidance she had produced on the aims and purposes of Religious Education and stated that her department was still receiving enquiries on this matter from both parents and schools on parent’s right to withdraw their children from Religious Education.


The RE Subject Adviser raised concerns about provision for the teaching of Religious Education at KS4. She stated that in some schools teachers were expected to reach full course GCSE in a small amount of time and then had to explain to Senior Leaders why the results were poor.


The RE Subject Adviser advised Members that she would be representing Durham SACRE at the NASACRE AGM in London.


Members were also advised that Hartlepool and South Tyneside had bought contracts for Religious Education and Agreed Syllabus support, this would provide an income for the authority.


Resolved: That the report be noted.