Agenda item

Quarterly Report of the Superintendent & Registrar


The Committee received a report of Graham Harrison, Bereavement Services Manager which provided an update relating to performance and other operational matters (for copy see file of minutes).


With regards to performance it was reported that there were 349 cremations undertaken during 1 January 2012 to 31 March 2012, compared to 369 in the comparable period last year, a decrease of 20. However the total number of cremations to 31 March 2012 showed an increase of 5.89% to that of the previous year.


With regard to the take up of memorial plaques it was reported that during quarter 4 the total sale of plaques was now 4, with further interest from customers noted.


Further to discussions relating to the development of procedures and policies and logistics for the overall operation of the scheme, the Bereavement Services Manager advised that following detailed work to look at schemes in place across neighbouring authorities it was recognised that the majority of those authorities who offered a renewal scheme, charged half of the total cost of a plaque for a ten year renewal period. It was therefore proposed that renewal should be offered, and the charge set at approximately 50% of the full cost of the purchase price. Further details were then reported with regard to storage and disposition of plaques which were not renewed.


At this point Councillor Temple referred to discussions at the previous meeting regarding the policy for renewal of memorial plaques. Members unanimously agreed that the policy as outlined within the report adequately met those concerns as raised at the last meeting. Councillor Bainbridge commented that he was pleased to see that once the 10 year lease had expired, an extension period for renewal would be permitted.


Councillor Temple added that he was also pleased to see that a clear policy was now in place.


Moving on to operational matters, the Bereavement Services Manager reported on staffing and the current situation with regard to the Superintendent and Registrar.


Further details were also provided with regard to additional payment which had been made as a result of a review of the Crematorium Assistant’s terms and conditions.


Information was also provided in relation to the progress against FSA registration for the provision of pre-payment cremation bonds, the Green Flag application and recycling of metals scheme.


With regards to surplus generated from the recycling of metals scheme, it was noted that nominations were sought for a charity for surplus to be distributed to. It was noted that as Saltwell Crematorium had not as yet joined the recycling scheme it was suggested that the Crematorium Joint Committee nominate Willowburn Hospice. Councillor Temple sought agreement from members for this charitable organisation to be nominated. Members unanimously agreed that Willowburn Hospice be nominated.


Following discussions at the previous meeting the Bereavement Services Manager went on to provide an update on the development of the service asset management plan. He advised that a full report would be presented at the AGM scheduled to be held in June.


Councillor Ronan queried how long the works identified within the plan were expected to take to complete. The Bereavement Services Manager advised that the plan covered a 4 year period, and some of the works identified had already been actioned. The Head of Finance (Financial Services) advised that the full plan including costings and timetable for actions would be considered in full at the next meeting of the joint committee.




·        That the the content of this report with regards to current performance of the crematorium be noted along with;

·        The current situation with regards to the sale of Memorial Plaques.

·        The proposal to charge approximately 50% of the full cost of the purchase price of a new plaque when renewal is required subject to annual increases.

·        To store plaques if not renewed in order that families can collect these.

·        The current situation with regards to the Superintendant and Registrar.

·        The current situation with regards to the Pre-Payment bond and progress working with DCC legal team

·        The current situation with regards to the Green Flag Judging.

·        The current situation with regards to the Recycling of Metals Scheme and to seek nominations from Members for future Local or National death related charities.

·        Note the current quotes now received with regards to the Service Asset Management Plan and agree to the internal decoration and the replacement of windows to staff room which are long overdue.

·        That Members note the current situation with regards to the Accessibility Audit and associated costs of required works and agree to these works being carried out over the coming years and subject to budget provisions.

·        That Members note the current situation with regards to the Fire Safety Audit.



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