Agenda item

PL/5/2011/0110 - Land at Seaham Hall Farm, Seaham.

Outdoor Market and Car Boot Fair - Sundays Between 12 Noon And 5.00 pm from Last Sunday in March to Third Sunday in October Each Year (Variation of Operating Dates Approved Under Planning Application Reference Plan/2008/0086).



Consideration was given to the report of the Principal Planning Officer (Easington Area Office) which recommended the application for approval.  The Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the main issues outlined in the report.


Councillor Bleasdale commented that the car boot sale was very well organised.


Councillor Bell commented that it was very good for the economy of Seaham but raised concerns regarding the barbed wire fencing and queried if the organisers could replace it as it was dangerous.  The Principal Planning Officer explained that he was not aware of any problems arising from the barbed wire fencing but a condition could be included.


RESOLVED that the application be approved subject to a Section 106 agreement and the conditions detailed in the report with the inclusion of a condition relating to the replacement of the barbed wire fence.


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