Agenda item

Children in Care Council - Update from Investing in Children


Rob Johnson from Investing in Children provided the following update:


  • The CiCC has worked closely with the Corporate Parenting Panel to complete the Annual Report
  • Work is being done with young people on their experience with foster carers
  • ‘The Promise’ has been redesigned to take account of suggestions from young people
  • Meetings have taken with place with Linda Bailey, Strategic Manager for Progression and Learning, to discuss apprenticeship opportunities. 
  • Discussion have been held on the methods and processes in place when children go missing from foster care to ascertain if any improvements could be made to reduce the time it takes to locate missing young persons. 


The Strategic Manager for Looked After and Permanence added that officers have met with the Chief Executive to discuss apprenticeship opportunities.  In particular, the Neighbourhoods Team, headed by Oliver Sherratt has been very helpful and proactive, offering young people a range of taster sessions.


The Head of Looked After Children and Care Leavers confirmed that figures for children who go missing from care are available, and, the Chair suggested that this is an issue that the Panel may wish to consider in more detail at a future meeting.


In response to a question from Cllr Carr, the Strategic Manger for Looked After and Permanence replied that there is a duty on Local Authorities to inform each other when locating a young person within the boundary of another Authority.