Agenda item

Various Roads, Bishop Auckland (Eleven Arches) - Traffic Management Order 2018 - Report of Corporate Director of Regeneration and Local Services


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration and Local Services regarding an objection received to the Eleven Arches Traffic Management Traffic Regulation Order (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Committee were informed of the background to the project. Eleven Arches launched the “Kynren” open-air live show in July 2016. It operated on most weekends between July and September. One of the planning conditions associated with the event stipulated that Eleven Arches should submit a Traffic Management Plan to the County Council prior to the first show. This document was subsequently given approval by the council. The plan highlighted several key areas on the surrounding highway network that would need to be managed and controlled to maintain road safety and minimise congestion. An Experimental Traffic Regulation Order (ETRO) was introduced in June 2016 to implement the recommendations of the plan.


A proposal was put forward to make the ETRO permanent in 2017. At the time the Committee made two recommendations. Firstly, to amend the times so that the Public Rights of Way 85 and 86 would be closed between 6 p.m. to midnight and secondly to remove the road closure for unclassified road 34.4 between 6 p.m. and midnight.


The Strategic Traffic Manager explained that as changes were required, the ETRO could not be made permanent at that point.  It was therefore proposed that a revised permanent TRO be produced with a view to making the order permanent.


Statutory consultees had been consulted on proposals to introduce a permanent traffic management order to control vehicular and pedestrian traffic associated with the ‘Kynren’ event. The order contained the amendments recommended by the previous Highways Committee held on 24th July 2017 and the order was formally advertised on site.


One objection to the permanent order had been received. The objection was detailed in three parts.


·         disturbance and nuisance caused during the operation of Car Park C;

·         the diversion route used during the times the A689 was closed; and

·         evidence that the posting of the notices during the formal consultation period was undertaken in compliance with legislation.


In response, the Strategic Traffic Manager informed the Committee that car park C did not form part of the Traffic Regulation Order. The car park had been established with planning consent. Any issues regarding noise could be dealt with by the relevant team within the Council, should any complaints arise. Notices were placed on site at the correct times.


The Committee were informed that the objector had made further comments by email correspondence, prior to the meeting. The email queried where the measurement for the nearest dwelling to Car Park C had been taken from and whether it had been measured to the entrance. The resident also challenged that Durham County Council was not in a position to consider Human Rights and considered that it was for a legal process to determine. The Strategic Traffic Manager confirmed that the measurement, whilst approximate was scaled from an autocad tile of the area in question. The distance quoted was measured from the southern boundary of Car Park C to the northern side of the properties on Newton Grange


In terms of the comments relating to Human Rights, the Solicitor advised that the Human Rights issue detailed in Appendix 1 of the report had been set out appropriately.


In summary, the Strategic Traffic Manager explained that essentially the Council wished to make permanent the TRO. The order had operated well, as had the experimental order.


Councillor S Dunn commented that the order had appeared fit-for-purpose and had operated well. Unclassified road 34.4 had previously been a key issue and it was pleasing to note that it had operated throughout the event without any issues.


Moved by Councillor S Dunn, Seconded by Councillor O Milburn and



That Committee set aside all objections and endorse the proposal to proceed with the implementation of the Various Roads, Bishop Auckland (Eleven Arches) Traffic Management Order 2018, with the final decision to be made by the Corporate Director under delegated powers.

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