Agenda item

County Durham Youth Offending Service Youth Justice Plan 2018/19 - Report of Corporate Director of Children and Young People's Services


The Council noted a report of the Corporate Director of Children and Young People’s Services which presented the annual refresh of the Youth Justice Plan 2017/19. The report highlighted some of the key achievements in reducing reoffending during 2017/18 and provided areas for improvement which would be focussed upon during the next period in accordance with the service improvement plan (for copy see file of Minutes).


Councillor O Gunn informed the Council that the refreshed plan ensured that the Council met its statutory requirements and set out governance, implementation plans. The Council had improved performance in relation to first time entrants to the youth justice system, re-offending and use of custody.


Councillor Gunn also informed the Council that the County Durham Youth Offending Service had been shortlisted in the Improved Partnerships between Health and Local Government category of the 2018 HSJ Awards, the world's largest healthcare awards programme for the Health and Social Justice. Councillor Gunn congratulated the service on their shortlisting and wished them good luck for the final.

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