Agenda item

Mountsett Crematorium Performance and Operational Report

Report of the Bereavement Services Manager


The Bereavement Services Manager, Graham Harrison asked Members to note the performance figures from 1 April 2018 to 31 May 2018 and the comparison to the same period for 2017, highlighting that there was a net increase of 37 cremations year on year.  It was noted that Office of National Statistics data had also shown an increase in the death rate nationally in this period.


Members were asked to note that the number of memorials sold was greater when comparing to the same period the previous year, with those sales representing an increase of income, £120 greater.  The Bereavement Services Manager noted the wider choice of memorials was proving popular with service users. 




The Joint Committee were asked to recall the vacant Business Administration Apprentice position had been advertised via the National Apprenticeship website, and the Bereavement Services Manager noted that a shortlist of 6 applicants had been produced and those applicants had been invited to interview.  He explained that 5 candidates had failed to attend their interview, and accordingly he would be arranging for the position to be re-advertised. 


The Joint Committee noted that the usual arrangements as regards attendance at the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management (ICCM) Learning Convention and Exhibition, to be held 1 to 3 October 2018 in Oxfordshire, had been made for the Bereavement Services Manager and the Chairman.


Councillors noted that the Recycling of Metals Scheme had generated a sum of £5,000 for Cruse Bereavement Care and that a cheque had been presented to the charity by the Chairman.  It was added that additional funds from collections in 2017 resulted in an extra round of nominations and therefore an additional cheque in the sum of £5,000 was available for Marie Curie, arrangements to be made with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman as regards presentation to the charity.


The Bereavement Services Manager noted an update had been given at the last meeting in respect of the installation of 2 new cremators with mercury abatement equipment and that work was ongoing with A.T.I. in terms of resolving issues.


Councillor A Bainbridge asked what work was ongoing with A.T.I.  The Chairman noted that the Senior Projects Manager, Richard Fenwick was in attendance to speak to Members as an additional item, with the ability to move the meeting to closed session should Members require further details that may constitute an exempt item.


Councillor O Milburn noted she was surprised as regards only 1 candidate from 6 attending an interview for the apprentice position.  Councillor A Batey asked if the apprentice process had been via the DurhamWorks programme.  The Bereavement Services Manager noted it had, and also via the national apprentice service.  Councillor A Batey asked how many hours the position was, the Bereavement Services Manager noted it was full-time, 37 hours per week, over a 2 year period.  The Chairman added his surprise as regards those not attending interview and Councillor A Batey noted her disappointment as Council apprenticeships had been proving to be very popular.




(i)        That the current performance of the Crematorium be noted.

(ii)        That the re-advertisement of the Business Administration Apprentice post be noted.

(iii)       That the attendance of the Chairman and the Bereavement Services Manager at   the Institute of Cemetery and Crematorium Management (ICCM) Learning        Convention and Exhibition 2018 be noted.

(iv)      That the distribution of recycling income to the respective charities be noted.

(v)       That the progress with regards the cremator replacement be noted.


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