Agenda item

External Audit Progress Report - June 2018


The Committee noted a report of the External Auditor which provided details of progress on the external audit of Durham County Council to date (for copy see file of Minutes).


Mr Collins of Mazars informed the Committee of the progress made on the Audit and of the significant risks, including housing benefit work.  He informed members that the PSAA scale audit fees had proposed a reduction of 23%.


Councillor Temple asked what procedures this Council had taken in regards to Local Accounting Committees, and if this fell within a partnership.  The Corporate Director of Resources would look into this and report back.


In response to a question from Mr Robinson about the meaning of cake testing. Mr Collins explained that further testing in a particular area might be required where an error had occurred.  For example, incorrect usage of claimants income, housing rent errors and income when accessing claims.



That the contents of the external auditor’s progress report be noted.


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