Agenda item

Application 6/2011/0090/DM - East Cottage, Front Street, Winston

Erection of two storey rear extension (revised scheme)


Erection of two storey rear extension (revised scheme)


Consideration was given to the report submitted in relation to the above application, a copy of which had been circulated.


J Byers, Planning Team Leader (South and West) gave a detailed presentation which included photographs of the site.


Mr Taylor, an objector to the application addressed the Committee. He stated that East Cottage was one of 3 adjoining cottages which were some of the oldest properties in the village. The buildings reflected the character of the village and he considered that any extension should not detract from this.


He felt that it was misleading to refer to Deneside which had permission granted for a much larger extension as it was a modern development. He also noted that Sunnyside had not been referred to. This development provided family accommodation whilst still managing to retain the character of the village.


If the application was approved he believed it would dominate the adjacent properties. A single storey extension would be acceptable as it would be in keeping with the area.


In response to Mr Thompson’s comments concerning Deneside, J Byers clarified that the applicant had made reference to this development in her statement. It had not been referred to by Planning Officers.


Following a question from a Member, J Byers explained that the proposed extension would project further forward than the adjoining property and would reach to the existing ridge height. The extension would also be sunk 0.53m into the ground and was 1-1.5m lower than proposed in the previous application which had been refused.


A Member referred to the photographs shown as part of the presentation and noted that the view from a window in the adjoining property would be restricted by the extension. J Byers advised that this window had obscure glazing and did not serve a habitable room.




That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the  report.



Supporting documents: