Agenda item

DM/18/00969/FPA - Land To The South And West Of Oakerside Drive, Peterlee

67 dwellings with associated infrastructure and landscaping.


The Senior Planning Officer, Laura Eden, gave a detailed presentation on the report relating to the abovementioned planning application, a copy of which had been circulated (for copy see file of minutes).  Members noted that the written report was supplemented by a visual presentation which included photographs of the site.  The application was for 67 dwellings with associated infrastructure and landscaping and was recommended for approval subject to conditions as set out within the report and a Section 106 (s106) Legal Agreement.


The Senior Planning Officer, LE referred to site photographs and explained that the site partially includes land once utilised as a playing field by the adjacent school site however had not been used as such for over five years. She referred to the remainder of the land comprising of amenity open space which benefits from tree planting. Members were asked to note that access into the site will require the relocation of the existing northbound bus stop on Oakerside Drive, the details and implementation of which will be secured by Condition 7 and the removal of a number of existing trees.  The Senior Planning Officer, LE explained that whilst there are no recorded public rights of way contained within the application site itself there was an informal path cutting across the land however this route would be broadly retained within the development. 

Members noted the change in height across the site and the palisade fencing that separates the site from the Shotton Hall Academy site. 


The Senior Planning Officer, LE explained that the application was for full planning approval for 67 dwellings, with 2, 3 and 4 bedroom properties in a mix of detached, semi-detached and terraced options. She added that there would be 10% affordable housing, being 7 of the 2-bedroom properties spread across the site.  It was added that all dwellings would have off-street parking and a garden.  Members noted that an area of amenity land would be retained and a sustainable drainage system (SuDS) would be included.  A landscape planting scheme had also been submitted. 


The Senior Planning Officer, LE referred to the proposed elevations of the house types, noting the design was felt to be appropriate and materials would be dealt with by condition.


The Committee were informed that there were no objections from internal or statutory consultees.  The Senior Planning Officer, LE noted there were some updates to bring to Members attention since the publication of the committee report and amendments were suggested to two conditions if Members were so minded. The construction management plan (CMP) was in the process of being improved to reflect the comments of the Environmental Health Officer, therefore delegated authority was sought to update condition 9 once the CMP was agreed. Amendments were also sought to Condition 2 (approved plans) to reflect the most up-to-date revisions of plans.


It was explained that there had been 6 letters of objections and 1 letter of support, with a summary as set out within the report.  It was noted that it was not felt on balance that the issue raised could justify a refusal and the Senior Planning Officer, LE noted that while there was loss of open space, that which would be retained would be enhanced.  She added that the application was not felt to be contrary to saved Local Plan Policies or the NPPF and there would be overall public benefit in terms of a contribution to housing land supply, affordable housing, construction jobs and the contributions secured through the s106 legal agreement.  The Senior Planning Officer, LE concluded by noting the application was in a sustainable location, well related to the surrounding area and was recommended for approval, subject to conditions, the amended conditions as discussed, and a s106 legal agreement.


The Chairman noted there were no registered speakers and asked the Committee for their comments and questions.


Councillor J Blakey asked if there was any bungalows included within the application.  The Senior Planning Officer, LE noted there was not, all the properties were two storey.


Councillor J Clark noted that she gave credence to the comments from the Arboricultural Officer and noted from local experience that Peterlee itself had been developed deliberately with large public open spaces. 

She added that she supported the landscaping in terms of replacement trees and noted there was plenty of open space retained and also elsewhere nearby.  Councillor J Clark moved that the application be approved, subject to the amended conditions and s106 agreement.


Councillor I Jewell noted the number of objections was very small for a development of this size and some did not constitute valid planning considerations.  He noted the need for additional housing and seconded the motion for approval.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the completion of a Section 106 Legal Agreement and the conditions detailed in the Officer’s report to the Committee, subject to the amendments as noted by the Senior Planning Officer.

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