Agenda item

C154 Sawmills Lane, Brandon, Parking Restrictions - Report of Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services


Consideration was given to the report of the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services which advised of representations received to the proposed No Waiting and No Loading Restrictions for the C154 Sawmills Lane, Brandon (for copy, see file of Minutes).


Representations had been received regarding the ongoing problem of uncontrolled parking along Sawmills Lane, particularly close to the area around Stoneacre Garage.  Areas of concern were parking near the location of the school crossing patrol and outside the doctor’s surgery which resulted in vehicles backing onto the A690.


A consultation exercise had been undertaken and proposals presented to the local Residents Association as well as public meetings where the local MP was present.


Mr D Wilcox, Strategic Highways Manager gave a presentation on the proposals.  It was proposed to introduce various parking restrictions along C154 Sawmills Lane which included No Waiting at Any Time, No Waiting/No Loading at Any Time and bollards to prevent pavement parking.  A plan showing the restrictions was attached at Appendix 2.


Five representations and responses had been received and were detailed in the report.


Stonacre Garage had a planning application pending for use of adjacent land which may alleviate some of the problems they had in the movement and storage of retail cars. 


Councillor Taylor had been unable to attend the meeting but supported the proposals.  He had explained that the restrictions were much needed and would go some way to alleviating the difficult and dangerous highway situation.


Councillor Turnbull explained that he would support the proposals.  There was a problem with parked cars, congestion around the school crossing and a build up of traffic outside the doctor’s surgery.  The school crossing patrol had resigned after 21 years as she had felt her life was being threatened by the obstructions.


RESOLVED that the implementation of waiting and loading restrictions as per the plan in Appendix 2 be agreed.

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