Agenda item

Proposed Tables And Chairs Licence - Stanley Jefferson Public House, 5 Market Place, Bishop Auckland - Report of Corporate Director, Regeneration


Consideration was given to the report of the Corporate Director, Regeneration which gave details of the representations received with regard to an application under the provisions of Section 115E of the Highways Act 1980 to place tables and chairs on the highway outside the Stanley Jefferson Public House, Market Place, Bishop Auckland (for copy, see file of Minutes).


Mr D Wilcox, Strategic Highways Manager gave a presentation on the details of the proposals and explained that there were currently three premises with tables and chairs licences in the vicinity.


The application received included a planning permission that had been granted for change of use to provide a café seating area.  The premises licence authorised the sale of alcohol for consumption inside and outside the premises.


Concerns to the application had been received by the Police and local Member.  The Police raised concerns regarding emergency access/egress along with concerns regarding the effect of the reduced footway width during peak taxi operating times and objected on grounds of public order and road safety.  The local Member raised concerns regarding safety due to the proximity of the proposed tables and chairs to the taxi rank at evenings, particularly on a weekend.


Additional conditions had been proposed as follows:


  • Time restriction – tables and chairs must be removed by 9.30pm
  • Temporary barrier installed to prevent table creep and define the consent area. 2.3m width to be maintained at all times
  • Tables and chairs must not obstruct emergency access/egress
  • Tables and chairs must not be placed on market days


RESOLVED that the application be approved subject to the conditions detailed in the report.


Supporting documents: