Agenda item

Stanhope Ford - Report of Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services


Consideration was given to the report of the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services which gave an update on the safety issues surrounding the continued use of Stanhope Ford and the responses received to the statutory public consultation exercise linked to the publication of a traffic order to permanently close the ford to vehicular traffic (for copy, see file of Minutes).


Mr D Wilcox, Strategic Highways Manager explained that Stanhope Ford was an unclassified road forming an optional crossing point on the River Wear in Weardale, linking the B6278 with the A689.  The B6278 had a recorded ‘Annual Average Daily Traffic Flow’ of 724 vehicles per day.  In contrast, from surveys undertaken in January 2007 at the southern approach ramp to the Ford, the 7 day average flow for that particular week was recorded at 60 vehicles per day.


Over the past 10 years, there had been 23 reported incidents at the Ford.  Motorists had become stranded when attempting to traverse the Ford during adverse weather conditions.  In some cases, necessitating rescues by the Emergency Services.


Following a number of management team meetings and public a consultation, a Traffic Regulation Order was approved in 2007 which would seasonally prohibit the use of the Ford by vehicular traffic between 1 October to 31 March each year.


An incident in April 2008 resulted in the Emergency Services being called and the Police had used their emergency powers to re-impose a road closure of the Ford.


It had become clear in recent years, that the incidents were not confined to certain times of the year, therefore the seasonal traffic order did not afford the protection of the public.  Following concerns of the Police and incidents elsewhere in the country involving vehicles being swept from Fords, it had become necessary to implement a temporary road closure order which remained in place to date.


The County Council had published a traffic order to revoke the seasonal order and was proposing to implement a permanent ‘Prohibition of Driving’ Traffic Order.  Thirteen responses of support and twenty one objections had been received.  In addition, objections had been received from three specialist motoring organisations.


A handwritten petition to ‘Save Stanhope Ford’ had been received containing 82 signatures.  Non-statutory representations had also been made via Facebook which recorded 1007 Members resulting in 350 objections when viewed in November 2010.  Local Members also offered objections to the proposals believing Stanhope Ford to be essential to the heritage and tourism.


Having regard to the volume of objections and the complexity of the evidence and legal issues involved, it was considered good practice to hold a non statutory public inquiry.  An inspector with expertise would be appointed, consider all the evidence and make recommendations to the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services.


Councillor Stradling commented that it was a sensitive issue and felt it appropriate for a non statutory public inquiry to be held to enable representations to be considered.


Councillor Hugill explained that he had used the Ford for 53 years and drivers needed to use their common sense.  He felt the incidents were as a result of bad driving.


Councillor Savoury advised that she welcomed a public enquiry.  Stanhope Ford was unique, part of the heritage and to remain open was part of the County Durham Plan.  The majority should not be penalised and be able to use the Ford.


RESOLVED that the Committee endorse the Director’s proposal to appoint an inspector to hold a Public Inquiry to consider the objections received and thereafter provide a report and recommendations for the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services to implement as he considers appropriate.


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