Agenda item

Performance Report - Report and Presentation from the Corporate Equality and Strategy Manager


The Panel considered a report of the Corporate Equality and Strategy Manager and a presentation delivered by Laura Malone, Strategy Team Leader which provided an overview of performance for Quarter 1 (for copy of report and presentation see file of minutes).


Councillor Considine referred to the dip in performance on placement stability for the first quarter of the year and asked for an explanation.   The Strategic Manager for Looked After Children and Permanence explained that there had been several emergency placements, and when a young person comes into care in this way, rather than a planned way they automatically have two placements.  A number of young people in long term care also have very complex specialist needs, particularly in relation to mental health.  The Edge of Care provision is being introduced which should help with placement stability, and good progress has been made in the recruitment of foster carers, however, there is more work to be done.


Councillor McKeon asked if tracking information was available on the number of care leavers who become fathers.  The Strategic Manager for Looked After Children and Permanence replied that this issue has been discussed in the Care Leavers’ Steering Group, however, tracking this type of information proves difficult. The Panel agreed that this is a matter that they would like to look at, in more detail, moving forward.




That the report be noted.



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