Agenda item

Budget Revenue and Capital Outturn 2017/18


The Committee considered a report of the Head of Finance and Transactional Services, presented by the Principal Accountant for Adults and Health Services, that provided details of the 2017/18 revenue and capital budget outturn position for the Adult and Health Services (AHS) service grouping, highlighting major variances in comparison with the budget for the year, based on the final position at the year end (31 March 2018) as reported to Cabinet in July (for copy of report and slides see file of Minutes).


Mr Taylor Gooby was concerned that the underspend, due to savings on employees could not be maintained.  Councillor Hovvels explained that some services had changed ways of working in terms of delivery.


Referring to reduction of budgets, Councillor Crute asked where this was impacting on service delivery. 


The Chairman asked where care packages would be shown in the budget.  The Principal Accountant would report back on these queries.


Councillor Crute also commented that the Better Care Fund would have an impact on us and Councillor Hovvels referred to the uncertainty around the Public Health funding.



That the revenue and capital outturn included in the report, which are summarised in the outturn report to Cabinet in July, be noted.


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