Agenda item

Quarter 4 Budget Outturn 2017/18


The Committee considered the Joint Report of the Corporate Director of Resources and Corporate Director of Regeneration and Local Services which set out details of the outturn budget position for the service areas within Regeneration and Local Services. The Principal Accountant, Regeneration and Local Services was in attendance to present the report and gave a presentation (for copy of report and presentation, see file of minutes).


Councillor Howell referred to the high overspend in Culture and Sport and why additional funds were required for Direct Services and commented that the committee needed a better understanding of the budget.


The Principal Accountant advised the Member that a written response would be provided to his question.


Councillor Jopling asked in relation to Culture and Sport revenue outturn figure how they had come to the stated overspend. The Principal Accountant advised that there was an overspend in relation to the Gala Theatre and Leisure Centres but this was off set by underspends at Libraries and staff vacancies giving a total overspend figure of £0.493m.


The Principal Accountant indicated that the overspend was mainly due to events, the gala theatre and leisure centres which were offset by savings on libraries and staff vacancies.


The Chairman indicated that an item on the Gala Theatre was coming to a future meeting and he understood that budget issues had been raised at another scrutiny meeting.


Councillor Crute suggested that there was a common thread through all of the Scrutiny meetings relating to how the budget is reported and in view of the problems other local authorities had experienced he had requested budget training similar to that given on the Medium Term Financial Plan.


Councillor Martin asked if future reports could show the original budget and not just a revised figure.


The Principal Accountant advised that the £11.9 million was taking out of service budgets and put into a central budget.


Resolved: That the final outturn position on Revenue and Capital for 2017/18 be noted.

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