Agenda item

CoRE Report: The Way Forward


Members considered the circulated report of the RE Advisor that looked at the eleven recommendations from the final report from the Commission of Religious Education on Religion and Worldviews: The Way Forward. (for copy of report, see file of minutes).


The Chairman asked Members to split into two groups to discuss recommendation 8, which was the proposed change to legislation regarding the establishment of Standing Advisory Council’s on Religious Education (SACREs) by local authorities, details of which had been circulated with the agenda.


From the discussion groups, the following points were raised:


·       Does the name change from network to statutory really make a difference?

·       SACRE may become a diminished force

·       How does the name change affect the status and role of SACRE?

·       Teachers still require support and contacts

·       If a national curriculum is being put into place is SACRE at risk?

·       Currently the role of Durham SACRE has a strong impact, would this change

·       A lot of vagueness and confusion of real role behind the statements

·       Members liked the greater emphasis on training but what link and role would SACRE have?


The Chairman thanked Members for their contribution.


Resolved: That the report and comments be noted.

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