Agenda item

DM/18/02098/FPA - 29 Front Street, Chester-le-Street

Change of use of first floor from retail use to 14 apartments, installation of external door, additional first floor windows and rooflights


The Committee considered a report of the Planning Officer regarding the change of use of first floor from retail use to 14 apartments, installation of external door, additional first floor windows and rooflights (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Planning Officer provided a detailed presentation on the application, which included photographs of the site and plans of the proposed layout. He went on to advise that should members be minded to approve the application condition 3 as outlined in the report could be omitted as acceptable details had now been received. In addition, condition 2 could be amended as amended plans had been received.


Councillor Martin commented that a similar development had been undertaken at the former old Lloyds Bank in Chester-le-Street which had proved to be successful. As a result, initial car parking concerns he had no longer existed and he felt that encouraging people to live in the town centre would be positive for businesses.


He therefore Moved that the application be approved subject to the amendment of condition 2 and omission of condition 3.


Councillor Shield, in referencing paragraph 3 of the report asked whether it was known what the distance from the rear entrance to the proposed bin storage was. The Planning Officer advised that residents would take access to the bin storage area from a secondary access at the rear of the building at a distance of approximately 50 metres, and bin crews would access bins on collection day via the rear of Morrisons Car Park.


Councillor Shield further asked what measures were in place to prevent the accommodation being used for supported living or as a hostel. The Planning Officer advised that this would require a further change of use and therefore there was no requirement for this to be included within the list of conditions.


Councillor Shield Seconded the proposal.


Councillor Bainbridge commented that the building hadn’t been in use for some years and he welcomed the investment in the area which along with the work to be undertaken to Congburn would bring much needed vitality to the town centre.


Following a vote being taken it was




That the application be approved subject to the developer entering into a s.106 legal agreement to provide the following, and the conditions as listed in the committee report.


A section 106 Legal agreement to secure, proportionate to the direct impacts of the development:

·         monies to make provision for off-site open space shortfall as assessed through the Council’s OSNA model (£24,506)

·         monies to make provision for public art (£7,800)


Supporting documents: