Agenda item

4/10/00625/OUT - Lowfield Bungalow, Foundary Row, Coxhoe, Durham DH6 4LE

Outline Application Proposing the Residential Development of 9 No. Houses, Seeking Detailed Approval of Means of Access Only


Consideration was given to the report of the Principal Planning Officer (Durham City Area Office) which recommended approval.  The Principal Planning Officer explained that Members had visited the site that day and gave a detailed presentation on the main issues outlined in the report.


Mr Llewelyn, an objector explained that he was a resident of Basic Cottages and was making representations on behalf of the residents and himself.  Concerns related to the access arrangements which were felt to be unsustainable for an additional 9 dwellings.  The upgrading of the road was flawed as the property ran from the main road to the entrance of the bungalow only.  The increase in the traffic was a major concern especially for residents with children.


He was aware that there had been a previous planning application nearby that had been deferred pending the publication of the Parish Plan and felt that the application should also be deferred.


Davis Planning Partnership had made comments in January 2011 stating “that the new proposed dwellings and associated access would mask the unsightly view of the gardens in Basic Cottages”.  Residents felt that the remark was insulting to them and all the inhabitants of Coxhoe.


Mrs Davis, the agent referred to the comments from the Parish Council that stated that the land was not within the SHLAA.  The land had been identified as a ‘green’ site in the SHLAA.  Officers had assessed the application and recommended it for approval.


The Principal Planning Services Officer advised that highway safety concerns had been assessed by Highway Officers and could withhold the increase in the volume of traffic.   The SHLAA tended not to include smaller sites but this site had been included in the SHLAA as land suitable for development.


Councillor Blakey commented that businesses would use the road and queried if it would be suitable for them.  The Principal Planning Officer explained that the upgrading of the road would make it safer for existing business and residents.


Members commented that it was a nice area and was unfortunate that Basic Cottages would lose their panoramic outlook but was not a material planning consideration.  They sympathised with residents on the adverse comments made about the street.


Councillor Charlton commented that as a precedent had been set for deferment until the Parish Plan was published, she felt that the application should be deferred.


RESOLVED that the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report.



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