Agenda item

PL/5/2010/0497 - Village Farm, The Village, Murton SR7 9RP

Erection of 14 No. Dwellings and Associated Road Improvement Works



Consideration was given to the report of the Principal Planning Officer (Easington Area Office) which recommended approval.  The Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the main issues outlined in the report.


Mr Murray, the agent explained that the site was in a sustainable location and provided a high quality development adjacent to the village green.  The developers were looking to remove the grasscrete track currently used for farm access which would improve the village green.


He referred to the s106 agreement and commented that although he was aware it was a private issue he requested that it be waived in order to deliver a high quality development in the current economic climate.  The financial contribution required for the development to go ahead was ten times more than the s106 agreement amount.  The developer felt that they were already contributing a substantial amount to the community.


Councillor Bell commented that the Council was frequently asked to waive S106 agreements to make a development viable and queried if it was possible.  The Solicitor advised that it was Council policy for developments to provide either onsite play facilities or a contribution towards play facilities in the locality.  If the land had been owned by a private landowner then there would have been no question of waiving the s106 agreement.  It was a private commercial matter and a precedent could be set if the Council wavered the agreement.


RESOLVED that the application be approved subject to the s106 agreement and the conditions outlined in the report.


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