Agenda item



4 October 2018 – Quarter 4 Budget Outturn 2017/18


The Chairman referred to a written response that had been received in relation to the overspend on leisure centres that had been raised under Quarter 1 2018/2019 Revenue and Capital Forecast.  The Chair expressed that the response was insufficient and required a full response from the service that included if this was an ongoing issue, how much will it cost and how long will it continue.


Councillor Howell raised concerns about how the budget is presented to members and how members scrutinise the budget. 


Councillor Crute advised that budget training for members was being arranged and that it was right that members should be able to scrutinise the budget.  However, members were reminded that the Audit Committee had a clear role to approve the Council’s final accounts.


Councillor Jopling welcomed the budget training and suggested that as Members they did not need to have extensive training but just what the information meant.


The Minutes of the meetings held on 4 and 10 October 2018 were agreed as a correct record and were signed by the Chairman.

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