Agenda item

Objections to the Traffic Regulation Order advertised The County Council of Durham (Various Schools, Sedgefield, Teesdale, Wear Valley and Burnhope) (No Stopping on School Entrance Markings) Order 2011 - Report of Corporate Director, Regeneration and Economic Development


Consideration was given to the report of the Corporate Director, Regeneration and Economic Development which gave details of the representations received following the formal advert of a Traffic Regulation Order for School Keep Clear Markings in the South of Durham Area (for copy, see file of Minutes).


The Order consisted of 81 schools within the Sedgefield, Teesdale and Wear Valley area.  The purpose of the School Entrance Markings was to protect the pupils and provide a clear area where a child could cross safely.


At present, the existing Keep Clear markings at the 81 schools enclosed within the Order did not have a Traffic Regulation Order or signage and therefore were unenforceable.


The proposals advertised for all the schools reflected the existing restrictions that currently applied in each location. The existing zig zags may need slightly extending or reducing to comply with the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002.


As a result of the formal advertising of the Regulation Order known as “The County Council of Durham (Various Schools, Sedgefield, Teesdale, Wear Valley and Burnhope) (No Stopping on School Entrance Markings) Order 2011”, one objection was received and detailed in the report.


RESOLVED that the Traffic Regulation Order be approved.



Supporting documents: