Agenda item

Unc Burnhall Drive, Seaham - Report of Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services


Consideration was given to the report of the Corporate Director, Neighbourhood Services which gave details of the extension to the existing parking restrictions (for copy, see file of Minutes).


Representations had been received from Seaham School of Technology and Durham Constabulary with regard to inconsiderate parking during school opening times.

Vehicles had been observed parking on the southern kerbline opposite the entrance to the car park.  This in turn had obstructed vehicle movements into and out of the car park.  The school also used buses to transport children to and from school and the parking was obstructing the free flow of vehicles.


The proposals include the extension of the existing 08.30 am to 4.00 pm on the southern side of Burnhall Drive from the existing restriction to its junction with Neasham Road.   On the northern side of Burnhall Drive, the restrictions would be between the access and egress points of the car park allowing for free flowing traffic and manoeuvring of larger vehicles safely.


Informal consultation included the affected residents, school and statutory consultees.  Out of the 6 letters sent to affected residents, one response was received which was in favour of the proposals.  No responses were received against the proposals at the informal stage.  Durham Constabulary and Seaham Town Council responded in favour to the informal consultation.

The scheme was put on hold due to the preparation of Traffic Regulation Orders for the introduction of Civil Parking Enforcement.   During the statutory advertisement, one e-mail of objection was received which was outlined in the report.

RESOLVED that the implementation of the (no waiting between 8.30am and 4.00pm) on (Unc Burnhall Drive, Seaham) as detailed in Appendix 2 be approved.




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