The Committee received a presentation from the Head of Transformation which gave an overview of the Council’s Transformation Programme (for copy see file of Minutes).
The presentation highlighted the following:
· Programme Objectives
· Work to Date
· Inspiring Change Projects to date and coming up
· Inspiring People Projects to date and coming up
· Inspiring Places Projects to date and coming up.
In conclusion the Officer advised that an integrated programme of change was underway with a renewed focus on Organisational Development implemented through cultural change and learning and development, and investment in new digital systems, including an increase in services available on-line. A programme of reviews of business processes were in the pipeline and proposals for the modernisation of Council premises and the new headquarters were underway.
Mr Robinson stated that from the Committee’s perspective it was very important that the Programme could quantify what it was trying to achieve. He asked if this was a value for money exercise and how its success would be measured. Mr Robinson also noted that efficiencies identified in local government reorganisation in 2009 were not materialised and hoped that the Council would not be in a similar position at the end of the Transformation Programme. The Head of Transformation responded that austerity had affected the Council’s ability to realise those efficiencies; savings required through austerity had outweighed the savings identified in the unitary bid by 10 to 1. The Programme’s primary aim was to provide the best possible service to residents with the resources available. Local government had been dealing with austerity since 2011 and there had been a shift in focus towards how the Council used its resources. Each project was examined against a benefits assessment, and a key measure of success would be the achievement of a reduction in expenditure without a detrimental impact on service delivery.
Councillor Temple expressed concern that there was no reference to Derwentside and Teesdale within the projects outlined in the presentation. The Member was informed that the presentation intended to provide an overview of the Programme and assured the Member that how services were provided in the localities was being explored.
Councillor Bell noted proposals for the investment in digital systems including increased on-line services, and was assured that residents would continue to be able to access services by other channels.
That the information given be noted.
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